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A Love that Stands The Test of Time

"Stick by your man, even if he dies"  was the advice my grandmother gave my sister at her wedding shower and it stuck with me ever since.   She was 89 years old at the time and told things like they were.  There was no more fluff, there was just real.  Behind this statement was a love that stood the test of time, a lasting love that she hoped my sister would also experience.  My grandfather had passed away when she was only 58 years old and their 5th child had just become an adult.  He was her one true love, her soul-mate.  She'd never find another him.  She never wanted to.  My grandmother lived to be 90 (she spent 32 years without him).  I was there when she passed away and I can promise you that she was reunited with my grandfather in that moment.  I had never before seen a smile on her face as big as the one she had when she took her last breath.  Seeing her love for him is one of the great love stories of my lifetime. I was 21 years old at the time she passed aw